Monday, May 7, 2012

Tangible Translations of Traveling{Full SuperMoon in Scorpio}

I am Superfull emotionally, just like the Supermoon Full Moon we had last Saturday (May 5th). I would say, as I did in my Facebook status, "LIKE MY EYES ARE GONNA BE WHEN I SEE IT", except in past tense of course. Unfortunately however, it became cloudy before the Supermoon. I did get to see the moon rise however, & me mum woke me up in the middle of last night to see the moon high up in the sky. I don't recall it being bigger than usual, but then my eyes were only half open.  It was the color of this moon though. I think..

moving on...
 my view Saturday night while I sat under the overcast sky-the moon still shone through

I'm recreating my photography business, which is truly fulfilling & exciting.

Sun (self, powerhouse, life-center) conjunct (arm in arm) Jupiter (good fortune, expansion) in Taurus (focused feminine earth) in my 10th house (career, public position)    {I am in possession of benevolent wealth & expansion }

I'm being flooded (that's what it feels like) with souls searching for their connection to the Universe. It feeds my soul, & it's flowing without any force or resistance from me. How awesome & revealing is that? This is one of the few tangible (Taurus) instances within my life where the Universe is shedding enormous amounts of light & love towards something that I wasn't expecting. My passionate love for astrology in the first place is completely unexpected. Is this what it feels like when purpose (Sun) & preparation (10th) meet opportunity (Jupiter)? It tastes (Taurus) like luck (Jupiter).
 My mother has been SUCH a contributor to this, lovelovelove. That really became illuminated to me with the Full Moon in Scorpio in my 4th house (mother, women, emotional home)

Writing like that makes me feel like I have a translator. Hee hee.Oh wait...that's literally what I'm doing.

Mercury (communications, connections processing of information) in Aries (initiative,identity, innocent expression) traveling my 9th house (exploration, library of life, higher meaning): Exploratory expansion of higher consciousness through Oprah various media, mentors, & life coaches.
I've watched Oprah now & then with me mum, & remember seeing her on the television as a child. There was a time when I almost bought into the whole "Oprah sucks & is a phony" nonsense.  
Key: don't make assumptions without experiential evidence.
The other Saturday though, about two weeks ago, I decided to rise early even though I was tired. I descended to the basement to find me mum watching Oprah interview Deepak Chopra in India.

life changing 

 I feel like it encompassed everything that had been simmering in my subconscious. I'm always searching subconsciously for articulation (one of the perks of being born with Mercury Retrograde, & one of the reasons I adore astrology), & he is a sublime articulater (new word!) of higher consciousness. I dream of buying his books. 
taken during before or after one morning meditation
 I don't know what it is, but my transits (the current planetary movements in my chart (where the planets were at my birth) & my chart itself is translating to literally to me lately. It feel like divine insight. That's exactly what it is. B"H (praise Gd). It's probably all the meditation I've been having.

I want to leave you with a few Scorpio Full Moon observation, just 'cause it's great food for thought & it's never too late. 
Being a Scorpio myself this is one of my favorite Full Moon's this year. Full Moon's are about revelations, completion, wholeness, & illumination. Especially illumination. Scorpio's about the nitty gritty- death, sex, intimacy, & most of all~ TRANSFORMATION. Open your heart to what will be revealed- probe it, & Scorpiofy it. Transform, share, keep secret, or kill? They can all be awesome though painful. It's always worth it when your motivation is pure.
I appreciate every single moment you are present here, sharing my mini-revelations. Love & Light Constantly. 
