Thursday, January 2, 2014

one after another

Sometimes it's too late to understand that day after day,  moment after moment, choice after choice, we're writing our stories. I've focused so much on consciously on being present in the moment and having no regrets, that I kinda forgot at some point you have to look back and the blur of decisions made "in the moment" become the story of your life. Stories you'll tell someday.

Once upon a time this would've been about perfection, and never making choices you'd regret. I've learned in my twenty years that's it's inevitable and actually probably for the best that your bubbles are burst every now and then by your own doing.

This is in the name of honoring the power you have to weave your own fairytale. Don't forget it. There is such a thing as momentary pleasure and lifetime regret. I don't like to be too friendly with regret but it's a thorough teacher.