I don't even know where to start.
I can't see the other side of this.
There is no other side. There is no return.
It's a new era of untold heartbreak.
The most underestimated monster.
The ultimate destroyer of beautiful creations.
You wouldn't think people could pretend for long. For decades.
Apparently they can. Pretending is their everything.
When someone doesn't know themselves, when their psyche is damaged to the core
There is no alternative. There is no center.
Almost always they will be loyal to what first gave them comfort.
Loyalty. An interesting concept.
I'm beginning to believe no one is loyal to anything but their survival.
Everything else is temporary, passing, conditional.
Love is conditional.
Do you love someone whose destroyed your world with their blind selfishness?
Do you love someone who has proven themselves cruel?
Do you love someone who doesn't care who you are when they are overwhelmed with the affliction of being human?
Do you love someone who has so many conditions on their love they would abandon their children and family and home?
Do you love someone who would break your heart on purpose so they don't have to feel?
Do you love someone who pretends so much that their stories change because they don't know what reality is?
There is no such thing as reality.
Everything is perception. If you doubt this for a moment you haven't been betrayed by an unknown world crashing down on yours from the mind of someone you love.
Do you love someone so broken that they break everything they hold because they hold it so tightly they shatter the glass into their own bloody hands and blame the object?
it doesn't make anything better.
but my god, I can't help him now.
I can't know him now.
I can't be near him now.
he's behaving monstrous, and compassion...is a stranger concept than it's ever been
Thoughts on Having “It” Together
Having “It” Together I’m never sure of what “it” is but in my life “it’’
has looked like this
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