One of the greatest kindnesses you could do yourself and others is to be direct and authentic.
Everyday moments are what's gonna make up the majority of your life. There's magic to be found and miracles to be made. Your desires will manifest if you live intentionally.
Hype is just that. There's no hidden meaning except that no one is exempt from succumbing to it. Keep your big picture in sight and don't get caught up.
It's about you. Even when you think it's about them, it's still about you. Even when you're pretty sure it's not about you, it's definitely about you. Everything is about you even when nothing is about you. Especially when you're making it about someone else, it's even more so about you.
You can't get experience back. You can't change the story you've already written. There's so much emphasis on the "first" time you do this or that. What there should be emphasis on is how much what you do means to you.
You choose your family. If you think about what family means to you, how many people in your life actually deserve to belong? And the answer is ok. Just because you were born 'knowing' dozens of kin doesn't mean you'll grow to actually know them. Relationships are choices, not consequences of birth.
Perspective is reality. So you can't trust your version of it. Peripheral is as extensive as vision goes- there's a whole scene behind you and one going on when you're not around. You'll learn to trust your intuition, your instinct, your soul. But don't trust reality. Accept and embrace and explore and never settle, but don't live there.
Always question. Sometimes there aren't answers but there's always expansion. Seek the expansion.